Nancy Hartl

Arizona House of Representatives

 Legislative District 7 Candidate


My core values are Honesty, Integrity, Respect, and Empathy.  

I’m asking you to HIRE me as your next Arizona State Representative!

  Let's work together to protect our rights!

Our individual rights and our democracy as a whole are being threatened from within our country. I see that we clearly must defend against these attacks at the local, state, and federal levels. As an Arizona State Representative, I plan to work vigorously for the rights of “We the People…” meaning ALL the people of Arizona. I plan to work to restore, retain, and ratify our rights.

In 2024, we find ourselves living in an atmosphere of hate, division, and attempts to remove rights. That is not consistent with our Constitution. As an American, a retired women’s health nurse practitioner, and a retired United States Air Force Major, I find this predicament deeply distressing. I sincerely believe that we, in the United States of America, have the right to make our own decisions about our bodies, to be who we want to be, to love who we want to love, to marry who we want to marry, to worship as we wish to worship, and to read the books we want to read. I have love and respect for all God’s creatures, except those who strive solely to overpower, exert control, and inflict pain and suffering upon others.

The top categories of rights I plan to focus on during my time in the Arizona State Legislature are what I call 

“My Five E’s.”  

These include, but are not limited to: 

Empowerment, Environment, Economy, Education, and Early Voting.



Nancy Hartl
LD7 Candidate
AZ State Representative
