
My Five E's


Women deserve to have power over their bodies and their privacy! People have the right to earned benefits, such as, VA, medical, social service benefits.

I did not devote myself to 20 years in the United States Nurse Corps and 37 years in the women’s healthcare field, to stand back and watch our rights be stripped away from us. It is 2024, not 1864. This can’t happen! Along with women’s rights to their healthcare and privacy issues, we also need to protect our right to access our earned VA, medical, social service benefits. With the incidence of depression on the rise In the US and specifically in Arizona, the power to obtain access to mental health aid is greatly needed. All these issues have a direct impact on employment and finances, along with the obvious emotional and physical effects.


Protective measures for land, water, and air now! Present and future generations have the right to these resources.

We must focus our attention, resources, and creativity on water, air, and inhabitant protection! Our rivers, lakes and aquifers are all in danger of depletion and pollution. Our air quality in Arizona is the 2nd worst in the nation. We must address ways to restore and maintain clean air. Our environment relies on maintaining balance between all living things. As a sincere animal lover, especially dogs, I would continue the attempts to protect our animals against cruelty, abuse, neglect, and extinction.


We must preserve and protect the right to public education. Stop the gift to the rich through vouchers! Teachers have a right to appropriate pay and incremental raises.

We must finally stop the Reagan initiated assault on our public school system! The voucher gift to the rich in Arizona must end before it bankrupts our state. It is critical that we attain a quality force of teachers by paying them an appropriate salary. Learning requires access to information. There is no place for bans on books or on human beings!


Secure fair allocation of Biden's bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funds, ensuring rights to training and placement in good jobs for Arizonans.

In Arizona, thanks to President Biden’s bipartisan work for the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,” we are now seeing an influx of funding and “Green” new companies and jobs. This is an answer to needed opportunity for employment and economic improvement, such as in high-speed broadband internet, construction, and agriculture. After 40 years and many attempts by both Democratic and Republican presidents, our border situation continues to be an inhumane, costly, and inefficient mess. The United States and specifically Arizona, depend upon our immigrants to fulfill various jobs that are not appealing to many of our citizens. Building walls has proven to be ineffective and closing borders only exacerbates these problems by cutting off tourism and the supply of workers, food, and products. 


The right to vote allows us access to all other rights. It must be protected!

 It is critical that we protect our right to a secure, transparent, nonpartisan early voting system in Arizona. We must fight against GOP voter suppression tactics that they label as “Voting Integrity.” I will strive to help people understand that we already have an excellent voting system in our state and will work to improve and protect it. Voting is our voice. We cannot stifle it! An estimated 80% of Arizonans use mail in and/or drop box voting. We must protect access to this secure Early Voting process!